Wednesday, December 13, 2017

So Much Going On!

K/1 has had a very busy two weeks...

We enjoyed shopping for our loved ones at Santa's Kottage.

We made salt-dough presents for our parents. We even measured the ingredients ourselves!

First Grade finished their fictional narratives and we had our first Author's Day, with treats and read alouds.

 Drama Club is really coming along with our play Laffin' School.  Here is one of my favorite scenes! Such chaos!

 We went to see the sweet story of the first Christmas movie The Star at Ronnie's Cine in St. Louis.

We can't wait for all the fun activities coming up!

Friday, December 1, 2017

How Germs Are Transferred

This week in science, we are learning about how to keep our bodies healthy.  We conducted an experiment Monday to see how germs are transferred from person to person.  Each student covered their hands in a different color of glitter (germs) and then shook hands with the other students at their table.  Last, we observed how our hands were now covered with different colors of glitter and discussed how that translates into real life with germs.